Współpracę chcemy nawiązać tylko z doświadczonym webdeveloperem który zna lub wdrożył szablon AdForest.
Nie wypłacamy żadnej zaliczki. Rozliczenie następuje po całkowitym i poprawnym wykonaniu zlecenia.
Poniżej w języku angielskim, zamieszczamy opis zlecenia oraz nasze wytyczne.
We want to develop new Portal e-B2B.org with business ads and offers based on WordPress and AdForest template.
This is our old Portal e-B2B.org : http://en.e-b2b.org , http://pl.e-b2b.org and http://ru.e-b2b.org
We already have:
1. New graphic design (new homepage layout) for new Portal e-B2B.org
2. Domain (e-b2b.org) and installed WordPress engine
3. Installed AdForest template
We want to:
• Configure and install all necessary plugins for WordPress (such as: security plugins, Shields, Social Pug, W3 Total Cache or other, Updraft, Yoast SEO and the rest necessary security and SEO plugins)
• Develop new multilingual Portal e-B2B.org homepage and selected sites based on our new graphic design (new homepage layout). We have JPG and PSD file.
• Create all sites (detailed ad view, post ad view, category view, search view, blog sites view, view for logged users, contact site, view single sites from main menu – About us, Contact, Ads Translation)
• Create all categories and subcategories
• Create 3 different access plans
• Use and implement all or main features and functionalities from AdForest template.
• Install and configure all important and useful WP plugins to improve usability of new Portal e-B2B.org.
• Our PayPal account integration for selling 3 different access plans.
• Good SEO optimization for the images and for all META description for the homepage and all sites.
• Support from you about your new ideas and suggestions for our new Portal e-B2B.org. For example: new or better ideas how to monetize new website.
After successful new Portal e-B2B.org implementation with all AdForest features, we want to:
• Migrate all users accounts (login/email and password) from old Portal e-B2B.org to new Portal e-B2B.org
• If possible – migrate for each user all ads and offers from old Portal e-B2B.org to new Portal e-B2B.org. If there will be problem with new categories in new Portal e-B2B.org, then we can create one category [Migrated from old Portal e-B2B.org] and we can try to migrate all ads and offers for each user from old Portal e-B2B.org to new Portal e-B2B.org to this one category [Migrated from old Portal e-B2B.org]
• Translate new Portal e-B2B.org to other languages. We need only the final translation file in English language. We will provide you 2 translated files into 2 language versions.