Stworzenie serwisu subskrypcyjnego na WP i powiązanie z wtyczkami WP i płatnościami

Data dodania: 4 stycznia 2017


Poszukuję pomocy w obszarze WordPress i powiązania ze sobą prostego szablonu wordpressa z wtyczkami od wordpressa. Poniżej zamieszczam mój brief oraz odpowiedzi bezposrednio od właścicieli wtyczek z WP.
Moim celem jest zbudowanie poniższego serwisu przy pomocy osób znających się na WP za oczywiście finansową gratyfikacją. Proszę powiedzcie jak możecie ze mną w tym temacie współpracować. ZCas realizacji do 21.01.2017

Pozdrawiam Was

Hi Jakub,

Thank you for your interest in our plugins and the valuable services they provide! I will answer each of your questions below:
I will sell in the new shop funny stickers of cats in PNG, JPG and GIFF files. I need a space to storage my stikers. For first month 100 pcs, each of 30-40kB. Is it possible on your platform?

You can store your files directly on your WordPress site or elsewhere. When you are setting up each download, you will add a link to where your stickers (files to download) are stored.

I need to build a front page of my shop using your tools on Ninja Forms. I have no idea and support with WordPress becasue of difficulties with WP. Is it possible on your platform get simple front page like this one – ?

In WordPress you will select a theme which operates as the front-end to your store. There are literally millions of themes to choose from, however, for ease of use with Easy Digital Downloads I recommend reviewing this theme page for optimal compatibility:


Also, you mentioned difficulty with WP — to get familiar with the WordPress platform there are many free resources. You might start with WP Beginner and click on the Videos link. They offer dozens of short, informative how-to videos to get started.

Each of my client can get a 14 days of free trial. Is it possible to manage that period on Digital Downloads plus with Restrict Content Pro?

Yes! Restrict Content Pro lets you set up subscription levels for durations you set. After that duration period, the customer will be charged for an amount you also can set. It is very flexible.

My business model of earning assumes only one way. The client can get one stiker per month for free, that could be picked up from the service. Or the client could pay 4,95 USD in subscription model to get every month 5 different stikers from the service. Is it possible to use monthly payments on your platform? Is it possible to limited to 5 stickers per month and one for free for notpaying clients?

Yes! You can set a download to be recurring in Easy Digital Downloads. Limiting the number of downloads is possible when Restrict Content Pro and Easy Digital Downloads are combined. There is a Restrict Content Pro add on called EDD Member Downloads.

My business model contains also place of distribiutions on Instagram. Can I make unique links for my affiliets partners on Instagram and manage sale from them in the dash board?

Yes, your affiliate links for your partners would be unique.

How Can I send final stikers to my clients? By mail or by message for Instagram account?

Using Easy Digital Downloads the clients would download the files from links included on their purchase, or from a page you gave them access to using Restrict Content Pro.

How can I integrate Digital Downloads with Restrict Content Pro plus AffiliateWP plus Ninja Forms too.

All of these plugins can work together, along with an e-commerce-ready theme. You can accomplish this with little or no coding necessary if you are OK with the theme’s look out-of-the-box. I would start there.

Ginger Coolidge

Dear Team,

I am looking for a ecommerce solution for my new startup with stickers and I created a brief to show you better my needs.

I will sell in the new shop funny stickers of cats in PNG, JPG and GIFF files. I need a space to storage my stikers. For first month 100 pcs, each of 30-40kB. Is it possible on your platform?
I need to build a front page of my shop using your tools on Ninja Forms. I have no idea and support with WordPress becasue of difficulties with WP. Is it possible on your platform get simple front page like this one – ?
Each of my client can get a 14 days of free trial. Is it possible to manage that period on Digital Downloads plus with Restrict Content Pro?
My business model of earning assumes only one way. The client can get one stiker per month for free, that could be picked up from the service. Or the client could pay 4,95 USD in subscription model to get every month 5 different stikers from the service. Is it possible to use monthly payments on your platform? Is it possible to limited to 5 stickers per month and one for free for notpaying clients?
My business model contains also place of distribiutions on Instagram. Can I make unique links for my affiliets partners on Instagram and manage sale from them in the dash board?
How Can I send final stikers to my clients? By mail or by message for Instagram account?

How can I integrate Digital Downloads with Restrict Content Pro plus AffiliateWP plus Ninja Forms too.

I hope the brief was easy 🙂
I would like to buy all services from you and use your team to make these services going together with extra money for that.

All the best I waiting for your replay.

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