Fullstack WordPress Engineer

Data dodania: 15 grudnia 2014

Dzień dobry,
chciałabym Was zachęcić do składania ofert na zlecenie naszego Klienta: https://useme.eu/pl/jobs/fullstack-wordpress-engineer,637/

Klient pochodzi ze Stanów, możliwość stałej współpracy.

Moxie is looking for an Senior WordPress Developer to grow with our team. Our team is located all over the world and primarily consists of kick-ass developers and designers with a real passion for what they do. Our team is small but nimble which we find to be a positive rather than a negative. Responsibilities include taking a digital project from design to deployment (and hopefully to awards). You would have the backing and support of several front-end developers a mid-level WordPress developer as well as a senior designer. In addition our Producer / PM will handle all the client relations on projects.

Location We are located in the heart of NYC and would prefer a candidate that is able to work similar hours as us although this is not a requirement.

Więcej szczegółów pod linkiem lub na mailu: a.kolodziej@useme.eu
Agata Kołodziej

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